Monday, April 21, 2014

The Suffering Prince

Picture yourself tied to a tree,
condemned of the sins of eternity.
Then picture a spear, parting the air,
seeking your heart to cut your despair.
Suddenly—a knight, in armor of white,
stands in the gap betwixt you and its flight,
And shedding his ‘armor of God’ for you—
bears the lance that runs him through.
His heart has been pierced that yours may beat,
and the blood of his corpse washes your feet.
Picture yourself in raiment white,
cleansed by the blood of the lifeless knight.
Never to mourn,
the prince who was downed,
For he is not lost! It is you who are found.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The LEGO® Movie - Official Main Trailer [HD]\

This is the full trailer. I really can't wait!!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

For those of you who see this post, I want to inform you that there will be a major change (hopefully) on this blog. New background, new posts (both text and video), and I will also let you know what is about to come for the following posts. So just sit tight and I will try and create some traffic...and maybe pick some up, too.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Changing Seasons

Seasons will come and will go,
Changing from one to another,
Always viewed from the window.

Warmth and heat always follow,
Quickly summer seems to shutter,
Seasons will come and will go.

Autumn I spend near the oxbow,
Leaves fall and dance and flutter,
Always viewed from the window.

Winter delivers a powerful blow,
With snow and ice it passes much slower,
Seasons will come and will go.

Winter passes with a lingering afterglow,
Where spring give a break to summer,
Always viewed from the window.

Four in all they smoothly flow,
Each different from the other.
Seasons will come and will go,
Always viewed from the window.

© 2013
The Sad Planet

We can boast nine
Wait, now it's only eight
Why must we go and disown poor

© 2013